All playlists, topic lists and lists of music may be freely copied and used. You can paste them into a spreadsheet and sort according to your preferences and merge or select t he items.

The use of a paragraph of the texts is allowed, if you mention Dance Fans as well as a link to the page used.

kopietekstenIf you want to use more text once and for non-commercial purposes, please send us your question by email, so that we can record the publication, date and the approval on our file. Then the text can also be used provided source and link are mentioned.

Some additional articles I have not written himself. The author then is mentioned at the bottom. They are used with permission of the author. But I can obviously not substitute them to approve myself acquisition of text.
Don’t violate copyright law by committing plagiarism.

The Dutch texts are also available as a book (656 pages).
It requires a lot of work, time and energy in order to gather this mass of data. (Approximately 1 kg of paper, two-sided printed.)
We like the information to be available to all other Dance fans.
But of course it is not the intention that anyone copies everything.
We appreciate that in respect to this work, you do not copy (parts of) it.
And certainly not for business applications and commercial use.

We wish you happy reading and (use &) enjoyment of all Dance Fans information.