To (semi) interested men: it has nothing to do with beer tap, or dance around the faucet. It is a form of dance where rhythmic sounds are created by tapping the ground with metal plates on the soles. The dancer does thus a form of percussion.
The tap dance had its origins in the Five Points district of New York in the thirties of the 19th century. At the base is a mix of African Shuffle, and Scottish, Irish and English step dances. Probably the syncopation of African music and dance and Irish jig (style of folk dances and accompanying music) had the greatest impact. Dancers from different immigrant groups competed showing their best steps, on which an American style emerged.
From the thirties tap dance was also mixed with Lindy Hop. Flying swing outs and flying circles are Lindy Hop - steps with tapping in processed.

Video: as it may look ...
(We searched preferably brief and clear movies without much show, spectacle and competition.
Better suggestions are welcome.)

The heyday of tap dancing ran from about 1900 to 1955. It was at that time the main show dance in vaudeville and on Broadway. From the thirties the best tap dancers were also on television and seen. inI various movies.

Tap dancing was before World War II because of the music, which was danced, also called jazz dance. Then in the fifties jazz gave way to rock 'n 'roll, so there arose anew jazz dance.

The tap dancers often make use of syncopation. They usually start at the eighth bar or between the eighth and the first measure. Tap dance is also often improvised, with or without accompanying music.

On May 25, the birthday of famous tapper Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, in the United States National Tap Dance Day is celebrated (as law signed by G. Bush 11/07/1989).

Pinnacle guts: go tap dancing in a minefield!

Most taps in a minute were danced by Anthony Morigerato (USA) on Eleanor School of Dance in Albany, New York, USA, on June 23, 2011. He did 1,163!