What makes this dance recognizable? What is typical, distinctive or characteristic?

Latin moves, but as with ballroom danced around the floor. The first beat of a measure is often an appeal which is sounding pounded on the floor. Spirited and proud.


Espana Cani - Andre Rieu (et al)
Don't let the stars get in your eyes - Perry Como, Gisele MacKenzie,KD Lang
El gato montes - Los Churumbeles et al

BPM: 62

"Paso Doble" means "double pass".

Video: as it may look ...
(We searched preferably brief and clear movies without much show, spectacle and competition.
Better suggestions are welcome.)

The paso doble is a dance style that originated around 1920. He was originally from France. Later this dance elaborated in Spain (ronda, Andalousie).

The Paso Doble is the only Latin American dance that with its different rhythm and style is coming from Europe! Earlier this dance was called the Paso Double.

The man plays the role of the bullfighter or "Matador" and the lady is the red rag ('el capa') that the bull must hunt. The man 'swings' the lady (figuratively) around as if she is the red rag. This is done with passion, a lot of temperament, strength and energy!
The Paso Doble is central to the film 'Strictly Ballroom', a must for lovers.

Previously, however, the paso doble was a social dance which was mainly just stepped. The typical Spanish matador poses are later developments. The steps of the paso doble are partly derived from the Flamenco, but according to the technique is wrong to spend too much flamenco - style in this dance.

The paso doble is the only Latin - style dance where the male plays a main role and is eye-catcher. Originally, the paso doble was a ballroom dance, but later it became a Latin American dance. It is a typical Spanish dance, popular in Mexico, which was also in France in demand. Many popular moves have a French name. As early as 1920 he became known in northern regions.

Dance attitude

The left arm of of the gentleman is held at ear height in a bent position of almost 90 degrees and the lady puts her right hand on the hand of the man, after which the fingers are closed. The right hand of the gay is on the left shoulder blade of the lady, just a little more to the side than in the Ballroom. The lady puts her left hand on the arm of the gent. Posture and movements radiate pride, temperament and energy.

Dance direction

In the paso doble, there is a dance direction. The dance partners often change very quickly from inside to outside. It is danced counter clockwise. In the paso doble, there is no basic step. There is often stamped on the first beat with the foot on the ground (appeal/appèl). This is a later addition to the dance, but nowadays very typical. After this appeal, the figure goes up to (usually) 8 counts or a multiple thereof.

Dance music

The paso doble is done to accompanying dance music with a rhythm of 60 to 62 beats per minute. The music is characterized by highlights: accents which the couple must take a firm stance in their dance program. As soon as the music goes on again, it can be danced again further. When they are dancing contest those highlights are essential for the standardization of the couple.