Standard dancing

Dancing can be classified into many categories. We restrict ourselves mainly to the partner or couple dancing that often fall under the heading: standard dancing. standard dancing (duet dance) is subdivided into ballroom dancing and Latin American dances, simply called Latin.

In recent years, standard dancing has made ​​a big comeback, partly because of the many TV programs about dancing. Lessons are given in many places and people of different ages. Standard dancing we can to almost all kinds of music, from classical waltzes, pop over to rock. This is because standard dancing follow a strict tempo. For the novice dancer, this means that the music has a similar pattern of recurring rhythm groups. At that measure we can count our dance steps.

The two most common rhythms are the waltz and quadruple. You can find back both in all genres of music. This means that amongst your favorite music probably you also find perfect dance music.
Dance sport is the competitive edge of both ballroom and Latin dances, where couples are evaluated by judges. The goal is to achieve the highest place. Dance sport consists of three parts: Ballroom (5), Latin American (5) and the 10 - dance. 10 - dance is a combination of Standard Ballroom and Latin American dances. To join 10 dance in a competition you have to dance both, 5 latin and 5 ballroom.

We dance for fun and a little less strict, and to meet people. That's why we call it 'Social Dancing'.

Dance posture

Anyone can walk. But as good mannequins is doing it, paying attention to the position of the head, neck, back, pelvis and movement and position of the feet, it’s more elegant. When dancing is not different.
Try from the beginning to have some attention for a good and nice attitude.
It makes no sense to look at your feet. They do not walk away... (what a (non (sense)).
Looking at the floor is not necessary, do not worry, he 's always there...
It looks at all the dances much better if you keep your head straight and hold it even slightly up.

Have you already noticed how different the same dance can be to a couple that smiles, and a couple that does not laugh? A world of difference. You may quite enjoy it. Preferably... so, keep on smiling. Even if you have to think, to count, dodging dancers... Competition dancers exaggerate and enhance their facial expressions often to a petrified, artificially and cramped laugh, or grotesque grimaces. That again is not necessary.

Especially with ballroom will be given attention to attitude. The gentlemen maintains continuously a rigid frame: the upper arms remain tight in line with the shoulders. (Height adjusted to the smallest dance partner). And so does the lady.

Leading the dance

It will sometimes be clearly stated in each dance school: on the dance floor (and often only there) is the man in charge. He leads. Awfully difficult for many women to go along with this. But then again that's often because their partner is not or not good (enough) leading. Also, this is not easy for a man. Ladies, give him time... He must know his passes and remember them, he must consider what moves he will do immediately, he must watch his posture, holding his arms in the correct position, listen to the music and rhythm. And it is often argued that men only can do one thing at a time! So please have some mercy, and do not expect all this after ten lessons. If you want to help him, do not take the lead. As a result, he will have to do it himself. It also helps if you do not distract him, do not give advice or instructions, don’t start small talk conversations.

On the other hand, some men think they should lead extremely tight and firm. They push, pull and drag their partner along... That's really not what we mean by leading. It's more about guiding: most clear and sufficiently in advance to steer, so that the lady can feel what is coming. Similarly, you are not bound to a fixed sequence of moves, and you get more variety and playful elements in dancing.

And if something goes wrong, do not make a drama. Also, try not to stop and start again. Just try to stay in the dance rhythm and returned to switch to a basic step or a contiguous and well controlled move. Nobody then will notice a ‘fail’. Which, obviously, is seen if you freeze or break the cadence.

In fact, I think that as a beginner you do not have to stop or swerve to 'advanced' dancers. In the contrary. They have more fit, moves, techniques and experience to swerve. They have better maneuverability. It is up to them to make cuttings, past curves or withhold. Are you improved yourself, then you are also very social to take into account who is just like you ever had to try and plod? Yes?

More about dance posture can be found specifically under ballroom and latin.