The Moonwalk is a dance technique in which a dancer creates the illusion that he is pulled back while he seems to step forward. The walk became world famous after Michael Jackson demonstrated it on 'Billy Jane' during a television special in 1983 to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Motown record label. The move would, among other occasions, have been used at 'The Buzz' by Cab Calloway in 1932, and later by David Bowie and James Brown.

The walk goes back while the feet go up and down, giving an effect of weightlessness walking in space. It is also possible to do the Moonwalk sideways or forward, although this is very difficult.

A Moonwalk consists of the following movements:

 Moonwalk   * Lift the right heel up
    * Drag the left foot backward
    * Put the right heel down, and your left heel up
    * Move the right foot to the rear.
    * Place the left heel down
    * Repeat all of the above

The following moves let it look better or look more real:

    * Move the arms as they move when walking forward
    * Move the neck from front to back
    * Do not do this all together for a better effect